© 2025 Huidenclub
‘Warmly’ is a group exhibition aiming to spotlight the crux between art and craftsmanship, knowledge and know-how, the intuitive and the analytical, material and conceptual. The imag- inaries of painting, textile, organic matter, and cooking are brought together as the core of this presentation by three female artists who share the visceral energy to dig deeper into their research process and the political dimension of making: Veronika Babayan (NL), Natacha Mankowski (FR), and Natsuko Uchino (FR/JP). Each artist occupies space on the walls of the exhibition area presenting their individual research, while the floor is an invitation for them to collectively sculpt a common ground with raw materials familiar or inherent to each of their practices. Through this attempt they weave a communal path towards multiplicious worlds, where their respective approaches to their materials are joined into a greater shared narra- tive about identity, labour, ecology, and embodiment. As referred to in the title ‘Warmly’, the attention of this showcase is directed towards the ways in which each artist uses heating, drying and cooking to transform organic matter. Process oriented practice is, therefore, the focal point and it is approached through the lens of ecofeminism.
Veronika Babayan (NL)
Natacha Mankowski (FR)
Natsuko Uchino (FR/JP)
Curated by:
Florence Parot (FR)
Dialogue between the artists by:
Elina Tapio (FI) (writer, 'Warmly, In Dialogue')
Visual Communication by:
Virginie Gauthier (FR)
On view from 8 February until 9 April 2023.